MiniGraph: Querying Big Graphs with a Single Machine

Published in The 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB)., 2023

Recommended citation: Xiaoke Zhu, Yang Liu, Shuhao Liu, and Wenfei Fan. 2023. MiniGraph: Querying Big Graphs with a Single Machine. PVLDB. 16, 9, 2172–2185.

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This paper presents MiniGraph, an out-of-core system for querying big graphs with a single machine. As opposed to previous single-machine graph systems, MiniGraph proposes a pipelined architecture to overlap I/O and CPU operations, and improves multi-core parallelism. It also introduces a hybrid model to support both vertex-centric and graph-centric parallel computations, to simplify parallel graph programming, speed up beyond-neighborhood computations, and parallelize computations within each subgraph. The model induces a two-level parallel execution model to explore both inter-subgraph and intra-subgraph parallelism. Moreover, MiniGraph develops new optimization techniques under its architecture. Using real-life graphs of different types, we show that MiniGraph is up to 76.1x faster than prior out-of-core systems, and performs better than some multi-machine systems that use up to 12 machines.