**Deep and Collective Entity Resolution in parallel

Published in The 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2022

Recommended citation: Ting Deng, Wenfei Fan, Ping Lu, Xiaomeng Luo, Xiaoke Zhu, and Wanhe An. 2022. Deep and collective entity resolution in parallel. In ICDE.

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This paper studies deep and collective entity resolution (ER). As opposed to a single pass of pairwise comparison of tuples in a single table, deep ER recursively identifies tuples that refer to the same entity by making use of matches in the previous rounds, and collective ER determines matches by correlating information across multiple tables. We propose a fixpoint model for deep and collective ER, by chasing with logic rules that are collectively defined across multiple relations and may embed machine learning classifiers for ER as predicates. While powerful, we show that deep and collective ER is intractable. To scale with large datasets, we develop a data partitioning strategy and a parallel algorithm underlying the fixpoint model, which guarantee to reduce runtime when more processors are used. Using real-life data, we experimentally verify that the approach improves the ER accuracy and is parallelly scalable.